Friday, January 2, 2009


Call me strange but this is mainly just me. It has kind of come to the point that for me it least birthdays are just another day. I have usually had to work or this or that. So for me I actually had a nice birthday this year. I took the kids to the zoo and had a nice quiet enjoyable day. Sam commented later that afternoon. Happy B-day Dad. I forgot it was yours today. I know my kids like going to other kids b-day parties and they like theirs. I am all for that but I guess for me now a days..and no it is not a age oh you are that old.. it is more I would just like a nice quiet day of relaxing.

1 comment:

Sandi said...

Well, for me it is an age thing. I still like to party on my birthday, but I am not dissapointed when it doesn't happen. It was a good year.